Wellness, Holistic & Light

The Wellness Center:

JuicePlus+ (get all the fruits ad vegetables your body needs 24/7), Effervescent Vitamins (get into your body faster than pills), Weight Loss System (natural, safe and easy), Ultimate Aloe (for digestion and immune support), and Pet Health (Glucosamine and Multivitamin.

Holistic and Light:

Currently I have 3 forms of modality which compliment each other.  Each one is good on it's own and will give you tremendous results.  Together they cement the IPT and Dakini Card Reading. I am extremely intuitive and use this to enhance the readings. See below ...

Selenite Swords HealingSelenite Swords of Light:

I learned to use my Selenite Swords of Light  from Gail Hagenbuch and Light Worker Trainings.  It is the most powerful light healing I have experienced.  If your interested in a session, please contact me.

... read more about Selenite Swords

Inception Point Therapy®

An inception point is the moment at which an emotion, belief, or karmic pattern is created. This is the beginning, or root cause, of a pattern.
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The Secret Dakini Oracle

Secret Dakini Oracle
A sacred card reading using the Tantric system of divination. These are spiritual cards and are extremely accurate.
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